The Freedom of Wonder

On the heels of my 49th birthday, I am declaring this year A Year of Wonder.

After spending more than 17,885 days on this earth, I am certain of this:

Life is unpredictable and painfully beautiful.

Just when we think we have it all figured out, the phone rings, the diagnosis comes in, someone walks away, the money runs out…the list goes on.

For me, a life full of curveballs and disappointments led to a life controlled by fear and anxiety.

I spent countless hours fretting over “what-ifs” and did my best to control every aspect of my life and the lives of those I love.

All the while, missing out on life’s most beautiful moments.

I’m not entirely certain of when the shift began; perhaps when I started asking more questions instead of feeling as though I needed to have all of the answers.

But somewhere along the way, I began choosing wonder over worry.

  • Wonder engages our brains when our emotions want to take over, replacing fear and anxiety while helping us to stay present.

“I wonder what is making me feel uneasy. Is a past experience triggering this response?

What do I need to do right now to make me feel safe?”

  • Curiosity leads to engaging, thought-provoking conversations—helping us to shed expectations while leaving room for curiosity and personal growth.

“I wonder what it’s like to be in their situation.”

  • Wonder weaves grace and mercy deep into our hearts.

“I wonder what is happening in his/her life to elicit this response.”

  • Wonder acknowledges the power of God and takes the pressure off of us!

“I never imagined I would be here. I am thankful God is in charge! I’m curious how God is working in this situation.”

  • Wonder gives us courage.

Courage to forge ahead without all of the answers.

Courage to try something new.

Courage to fail and try again.

Courage to listen to another point of view, without the need to respond.

Choosing wonder has helped me through some of life’s greatest challenges, curbed my anxiety and fears, and made room for ALL OF THE FEELINGS, while still clinging to hope.

Are you overwhelmed by anxiety?

Paralyzed by fear?

Maybe life just feels a bit mundane.

No matter our state of affairs, we can all benefit from a little more wonder in our lives.

Melissa BellComment