5 Tips for Juggling Working from Home & Homeschooling
I remember when I first began to home school, I felt like a failure EVERYDAY. Truth be told, I never wanted to home school. I didn’t feel qualified and I was afraid that I might ruin my children’s future. Five years later, I still often feel that way, but over the course of time I have come to realize that this is one of the ways God keeps me in constant reliance of Him.
Many of us have been thrown into a new way of life…one we didn’t ask for. The stress of quarantine, social distancing, and trying to work from home while teaching the children has us scrambling to find any sense of normalcy. Though I am far from an expert I thought I would share a few ideas that have worked for me over the years.
Make a Block schedule – I plan our days in blocks of time, structured around the weather, the kids’ work load, and my meetings. Some days we head outside after breakfast and don’t crack open a book until after lunch.
Wherever you are, be there – If we aren’t careful, we can end up multi-tasking the entire day and feeling as though we are failing at everything and getting nothing accomplished. Be intentional by planning your day, being sure to include conference calls and meetings. The kids can draw, watch a show, or have some creative play time while you are tied up. When you have completed your tasks, be sure to put your phone and computer away to spend quality, uninterrupted time with the children. Even thirty minutes can make everyone feel important and loved.
“ If the only thing you accomplish today is letting those around you know they are loved, you are winning!! ”
Stay Flexible – School doesn’t have to happen at a desk Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8am-3pm. If you have children of varying ages, consider having them work in shifts. My youngest one bounds out of bed ready to take on the world and my teenager works better in the afternoons.
Think outside the box -We love documentaries, grab a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the show and a few snuggles. Khan Academy gets two thumbs up and Outschool also has some fantastic classes for all ages and interests.
Change location- Send the kids outside with art supplies for an allotted time each day and have them draw one or two of God’s beautiful creations they see. Each day they can add to their drawing and at the end of the week will have a beautiful piece of artwork to add to your collection.
What we are experiencing is a first for everyone and we are all just trying to keep our heads above water. Nothing is more important than the physical and mental health of those around you. If the only thing you accomplish today is letting those around you know they are loved, you are winning!!