Are You Still Writing?
At least one morning a week I wake up in a full panic attack, grasping at anything I can get my hands on to pull me back to reality. The nightmares that shake me to my core usually revolve around my past, reliving moments that I have chosen to forget or have buried deep in the folds of my innermost being, only to be uncloaked with my dearest of friends.
After such an abrupt awakening, I am never able to be lulled back to sleep. Often times I wander into the kitchen and brew a pot of coffee and settle in for a long day. In the wee hours of the morning I take time to rifle through the emotions and memories that have resurfaced , deciding what is true, what I can learn from, and what I can let go of. It is all so much easier to navigate in the light of day with an alert mind.
As I take a peek at the past, it always amazes me how much progress I have made over the last decade or so. In my nightmares I am stuck, unable to find my way out of the chaos. Even on the brightest of days I panic at the thought of what life would be like if I had just given up. What if I had decided life wasn’t worth fighting for? Where would I be if I hadn’t picked up the pen and began writing the next chapter?
Lucky for me, I am still writing; there may even be a sequel…I hear it’s an adventure!
How about you, are you still writing? Are you stuck? Stuck in a routine that is all too familiar. Comfortable coasting. The problem with that is boredom or discontentment is sure to follow.
Or maybe you’re hiding. Hiding under a blanket of fear and shame, thrown over you by an unworthy soul who deemed you less than. (Who the H-E-/-/L died and put them in charge?) Are you going to let THEM determine the outcome of your life?
NO. No you are not! You are going to keep on marching. Keep on fighting. Keep on writing. There’s a story to be written and it’s yours!
““Never place a period where God has placed a comma. - Grace Allen””