You Will Never Know How Crazy You Are Until Someone Messes with Your Children
Picture this: There I was trying to live my best life and keep my crazy tucked in when suddenly I was blind-sided by anger and rage! It all started with a phone call and the revelation that in a few weeks I would be in the same state as one of my arch enemies. The rage and anger was followed by my regression to the state of a twelve year old on the playground facing a bully. And ya’ll, IT WAS NOT PRETTY! I blasted the messenger, and dragged the bully’s name through the dirt using four-letter sentence enhancers.
After hanging up the phone I began plotting my revenge.
It didn’t take long for the still quiet voice to start speaking to my conscience. Surprised by my actions, I began evaluating myself, “Why can’t I forgive this person?”. To which the answer was clear, they hadn’t hurt me…they hurt my children. So for a few moments I took the Mama Bear pass.
But once again there was a nudging, followed by a timely alert on my phone. The verse of the day popped up on the screen. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” ~ John 1:5
That evening I had dinner with a beautiful soul, she is one of my trusted advisers and has an incredible perspective on life. We talked through the situation and I fought hard to keep my angry stance. “ This is an adult! They should know better. Someone needs to teach them a lesson, why can’t it be me?!”
Each time she would calmly remind me of the grace and mercy of God. With a Smile on her face she said, “ I can’t wait to see how it all works out. God is going to do amazing things once you can forgive.”
Today I begin the process of forgiving and healing, the peace that lies on the other side is worth the work. It may take weeks… even months. To top it off, this person will most likely never apologize and will continue the behavior in the future. But I can’t control that, I can only control my own actions and emotions. And I’m taking my kids along for the ride, as hard as it will be, this is a life lesson that will be needed throughout their lives.
If you think about it, will you pray for us? We’re gonna need all the help we can get.